NAFE is pleased to provide three resources for continuing education. Our live conferences and peer reviewed publication system mean this content is constantly growing, reliable, and remains current. All NAFE members are all are board certified diplomates in Forensic Engineering as well as licensed engineers in a wide variety of disciplines, so we are sure to have something for everyone:

Peer Reviewed Journal
The Journal of the National Academy of Forensic Engineers is a peer-reviewed publication dedicated to supporting forensic engineering in all engineering disciplines. Many of the articles are available at no cost to the public.

On-Demand Continuing Education
NAFE is pleased to provide on-line continuing education on general forensic engineering practice, the jurisprudence system, and the unique skills required to effectively educate the finder(s) of fact. View and purchase our current library of presentations.
If you are interested in learning more about Forensic Engineering in general, we provide a FREE introduction to the industry and NAFE.
Finally, NAFE is proud to provide access to real-world Ethics education based on the Engineering Code of Ethics and actual NSPE Board of Ethical Review Cases.

Twice each year, NAFE hosts a unique engineering education and networking conference. Our members and guests meet in different locations around the US for two full days of Forensic Engineering seminars, networking, and collaboration. Each in-person conference represents 14 hours of continuing education credits on technical material and professional development.
Learn about our next conference - or about our past conferences.NAFE Technical and Educational seminars cover a wide range of engineering disciplines:
- Accident Investigation/Analysis/Reconstruction
- Acoustics
- Agricultural Machinery
- Agriculture and Forestry
- Air Conditioning Systems
- Air Quality
- Aircraft
- Aircraft Gas Turbines and Accessories
- Airports
- Amusement Rides
- Appraisals, Construction
- Arbitration
- Architecture
- Auto and Other Vehicular Accidents
- Automatic Control Systems
- Automatic Controls
- Automotive Engineering
- Batteries
- Biomechanics
- Blasting Damage
- Boat Hulls and Machinery
- Boating Accidents
- Boilers and Burners
- Brake and Steering Defects
- Brakes and Steering
- Breakwaters/Bulkheads/Seawalls
- Bridges
- Building Codes
- Building Codes, Electrical
- Building Collapse
- Building Inspection
- Chemical Plant Explosions
- Coal Mining
- Cogeneration
- Cold Weather Engineering and Permafrost
- Combustion
- Combustion Problems
- Combustion Systems
- Communications
- Computers
- Concrete
- Condemnation, Land
- Construction
- Construction Accidents, Hazards and Failures
- Construction Claims
- Construction Contracting
- Construction Costs
- Construction Defects
- Construction Equipment
- Construction Failures
- Construction Inspection
- Construction Inspection/Review
- Construction Management
- Construction Schedules, CPM
- Construction Schedules/Staging
- Consumer Products
- Contract Documents/Specifications
- Contracting and Construction Contracts
- Corrosion
- Costs of Construction and Repair
- Cranes
- Crashworthiness
- Dams and Levees
- Dams, Dikes, Levees and Embankments
- Derricks
- Design Review
- Detention Facilities
- Drilling
- Electric Power (Buildings)
- Electric Shock
- Electrical Accidents
- Electrical Codes
- Electrical Failure Analysis
- Electrical Ground Fault Protection
- Electrical Power Generation
- Electrical Product Design
- Electrical Safety
- Electrical Safety/Shock/Accidents
- Electrical Systems (Buildings)
- Electrical Systems (Utilities/Industrial)
- Electro-Mechanical Accidents and Failures
- Electromechanical Systems
- Elevators, Escalators, Moving Walkways
- Energy Management
- Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Protection
- Equipment Failure Analysis
- Ergonomics
- Erosion (Soil)
- Excavations, Trenches
- Expansive Soil
- Explosions
- Fans and Air Handling Equipment
- Farm Machinery
- Fire Codes
- Fire Egress
- Fire Protection Systems (Alarms, Sprinklers)
- Fire Safety
- Firearms
- Fires
- Fires of Electrical Origin
- Fires, Cause of
- Floods and Storm Water Damage
- Food Processing/Handling
- Foundation Failure
- Foundation Movement, Settlement, Failure
- Foundations
- Foundations, Soil Mechanics
- Fracture Analysis
- Gas Processing Plants
- Gas, High Pressure
- Gas, LP or Natural
- Geology, Geophysics
- Glass Materials
- Grading, Drainage
- Grain Handling, Drying, Storage
- Groundwater
- Groundwater and Water Seepage
- Guardrails
- Hazardous Conditions
- Hazardous Conditions in Buildings
- Hazardous Wastes
- Hazardous or Toxic Wastes
- Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning
- Heating, Ventilating & Air Conditioning
- Heavy Equipment
- Highway Geometric Design
- Highways
- Human Factors
- Hydraulics
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics
- Hydraulics/Hydrology
- Hydrology
- Illumination and Lighting
- Industrial Accidents
- Industrial Hygiene
- Industrial Machinery
- Instrumentation
- Ladders and Scaffolds
- Land Planning
- Land Surveys
- Landfills
- Landslides and Slope Failure
- Life Safety Codes
- Lightning (Protection/Damage)
- Lumber/Machinery
- Machine Design
- Machine Guarding and Safety
- Machinery Related Accidents
- Maintenance
- Marine Machinery
- Marine Structures/Engineering/Machinery
- Materials Failures
- Materials Handling
- Materials Testing/Failures
- Mechanical Design
- Mechanical Systems (Buildings)
- Mechanical Systems in Buildings
- Mechanical and Products Design
- Mediation
- Metallurgy
- Microwaves
- Moisture, Weather Penetration in Buildings
- Motorcycle Accidents
- OSHA Standards
- Operating (Energy) Costs
- Patents
- Pavements (Highways/Roads/Airfields)
- Pavements, Floor Slabs
- Petrochemical Plants
- Petroleum Industry Operations
- Photogrammetry
- Piles (Foundations)
- Pipelines
- Piping Systems
- Planning (Municipal/Regional)
- Planning (Site/Subdivision)
- Plumbing
- Pneumatics
- Pollution Control
- Power Distribution
- Power Generation
- Power Plants
- Power Transmission
- Power Transmission and Distribution
- Process Engineering
- Process Piping
- Product Liability
- Product Safety Design
- Public Transportation
- Public Utilities
- Pumping Systems
- Quality Assurance
- Radar
- Rail/Highway Crossings
- Railroad Accidents/Derailments
- Railroad Crossings/Derailment
- Rates and Tariffs
- Recreational Facilities
- Residential, Condominium, High-Rise
- Retaining Walls
- Roadside Hazards and Structures
- Roadway Design
- Roofs
- Roofs (Systems/Failures)
- Safety Orders, Electric Power Distribution
- Sanitation
- Seat Belts
- Seat Belts/Air Bags/Restraint Systems
- Settling, Structure
- Sewage Collection/Treatment
- Sewerage and Sewage Treatment
- Shore Protection
- Site Development
- Slips/Trips/Falls
- Soil Mechanics
- Stairways
- Steel Structures
- Storm Drainage
- Streets and Highways
- Structural Design/Analysis
- Structural Failure
- Structures
- Swimming Pools
- Systems Safety Engineering
- Tanks
- Testing, Materials
- Tools
- Toxic Waste Management
- Toxic Wastes and Chemicals
- Trade Secrets
- Traffic and Transportation Engineering
- Transportation
- Underground Utilities
- Utility Rates
- Utility Systems
- Vapor Dispersion
- Vehicular Accidents
- Ventilation Systems
- Vibrations
- Visibility Evaluations
- Walking Surfaces
- Waste Water
- Water Production/Wells
- Water Quality
- Water Supply and Distribution
- Waterfront Construction
- Welding
- Wood Structures
- Warnings and Instructions